Use "fringe|fringes" in a sentence

1. There are no fringes of sin.

2. ‘Just the fringes of God’s ways’ (14)

3. Beyond the Fringes lie the uninhabitable Badlands.

4. Also, they “lengthen the fringes of their garments.”

5. My fringe needs trimming.

6. The fringe is perfect.

7. EasyFit Pom Pom Fringe Bedskirt

8. Now, for those on the fringes it was easy.

9. 8 My fringe needs trimming.

10. I'm growing my fringe out.

11. Viswanathan has analyzed the frictional interaction between fiber fringes.

12. The flowers were a fringe benefit.

13. He has always remained on the fringes of mainstream politics.

14. Jesus continues that they “enlarge the fringes of their garments.”

15. Fringe cups (Tellima grandiflora) Like the piggyback plant and the Alumroots, fringe cups are also in the Saxifragaceae

16. She has a fringe and glasses.

17. 18 A thousand branches droop like fringes made of jade.

18. Chromatic aberration causes coloured fringes to appear around the image.

19. Fringes of hairs on the rear filaments explain the “Bristletail” part

20. Then, sculpt the remaining fringe parting.

21. Lace trimmings, chenille, tinsels, rosettes, cords, tassels, trimmings, ribbons, fringes, braids

22. Buckbean is Water Fringe 's childhood friend.

23. The fringe benefits include free health insurance.

24. Absolute phase measurement with secondary pattern-embedded fringe

25. Beyond this marginal fringe no agriculture is possible.

26. Corral Fringe Studded Leather Western Ankle Boot.


28. She stared at us from beneath her fringe.

29. The girl wears her hair in a fringe.

30. One of the fringe benefits is free meals.

31. Work stinks, but the fringe benefits are great.

32. Your company has very generous fringe benefit policies.

33. She kept brushing her fringe off her forehead.

34. A fringe of trees stood round the pool.

35. "This is for all those who live on the fringes of society."

36. This way, Tucson can avoid falling prey to wildcat subdivisions on its fringes.

37. This is due to the capillary fringe (Water table).

38. Alligators don't have that fringe on their hind leg.

39. The Backlash has moved beyond the angry fringe

40. The environment is no longer a fringe issue.

41. That people on the fringes can find each other, connect and go somewhere.

42. All these factors pushed tap dancing to the fringes of the entertainment world.

43. An unusual coat with studded decoration and ermine fringes, accredited to Chief Joseph.

44. Eyepieces for Achromats tend to have faint bluish fringes around the field's edge

45. The fringes of the galaxy lack many of the elements essential to life.

46. She has her hair pulled forward in a fringe.

47. May I ask about the remuneration and fringe benefits?

48. Fringe setae present in Moundthrips Beatificus and Westphalothripides oudardi

49. Along the coast, an industrial fringe had already developed.

50. 2) Public Ceilidhs on Burns night, Fringe, Hogmanay, St

51. The course brought a fringe benefit to this man.

52. View handmade custom Chinks with hand-tooling and twisted fringe

53. Would I be associated with certain fringe elements of society?

54. The existing legislation on fringe benefits was to be repealed.

55. Riders by Lee Indigo Women's Fringe Cuff Boyfriend Jean.

56. There was some good fringe theatre at the festival.

57. A competitive salary with fringe benefits will be offered.

58. Their manufacture is a cottage industry run by people on the fringes of society.

59. In India, the fringe benefits tax was abolished in 2009.

60. 1 The company plans to beef up our fringe benefit.

61. Synonyms for Boomburb include suburb, suburbia, neighborhood, neighbourhood, area, fringes, outskirts, precinct, purlieu and banlieue

62. A fringe group was separated from the main political party.

63. The fringe benefit is visible; it gives status; it differentiates.

64. Fringe benefits include a company car and free health insurance.

65. The floppy fringes and pouting lips of the respective lead singers are another story entirely.

66. Favorite Product - Corral Fringe Shedron Cut-Out Western Leather Boot

67. Few attendees doubted that some fringe groups would respond violently.

68. Assam is a small Hindu nation that starts on the far-eastern fringes of India

69. From the 1820s, increasing numbers of squatters occupied land beyond the fringes of European settlement.

70. Like Gandhiji, Deen Dayal Upadhyayji also talked about the last person at the farthest fringes.

71. But not all promoters of hate are from the lunatic fringe.

72. This gives that rainbow fringe to the image, called chromatic aberration.

73. She gave me a coy look from under her schoolgirl's fringe.

74. What of the loony fringe that I had so conveniently forgotten?

75. The Bible itself says that we know “just the fringes of his ways.” —Job 26:14.

76. Why do the Pharisees enlarge their scripture-containing cases and lengthen the fringes on their garments?

77. Larger granules form a continuous fringe around the periphery of the disk.

78. It was easier to move about on the fringe of the crowd.

79. Agaricus macrosporus is a rare, edible mushroom found from June at wood fringes and in meadows.

80. What appear to be dull-gray rocks fringe the water’s edge.